HomeBlogPassword Manager YubiKey Setup: Why You Should Have One

Password Manager YubiKey Setup: Why You Should Have One

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May 5 2022
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Turning on multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one of the best ways to secure your accounts further. And the password manager YubiKey duo can make this process painless for most people.

If you want to learn how these fobs can improve your digital life, keep reading. It can explain to you why more and more services support this type of hardware-based authentication.

What Is YubiKey?

The YubiKey is a brand of security keys manufactured by Yubico. These small devices look like typical USB drives, making them easy to store and use, even for non-technical people.

Each YubiKey device is unique and can act as your personal physical key. They are designed to provide additional security to your passwords or even replace them completely.

Several USB-like devices
There are several models in the YubiKey family.

They only work with compatible services, which must support one of the protocols built in each key. Yubico has put out several YubiKey models. Each of them has a different shape and set of implemented standards.

When activated, you can use a YubiKey to unlock your Windows or macOS computer or log in to a slew of applications and online services. The YubiKey supports both multi-factor (one-time passwords) and passwordless (FIDO2​) authentication standards.

Popular sites that support the YubiKey (or similar devices) include Google, Dropbox, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter. If you has a password manager YubiKey setup, you can secure both access to your vault and the accounts saved in it.

How Does YubiKey Work?

Each YubiKey is unique and required to pair with the account you want to secure first. This process differs from application to application, but you are likely to find this password manager YubiKey setup in the security settings.

A typical login needs you to insert this registered YubiKey. You can plug it into your computer (through a USB-A, USB-C, or Lighting port) or connect it wirelessly to an NFC-supported smartphone.

Then touch the key’s gold button when your password manager asks for it. That is it – no need to manually enter a 2FA code from SMS, email, or an authentication program. The application will automatically recognize your key and let you access your vaults.

A person tapping a device plugged into a computer.
A tap is all you need.

Why You Should Use A YubiKey

Convenient Security

The YubiKey can change the whole way you use passwords. When used together with a password manager YubiKey makes your accounts more secure with minimal effort.

You have another layer of protection on your password manager without a heavy extra burden. It is lightweight and easy to carry around with your keychain, just like a regular flash drive.

Authentication apps, email, and SMS all require you to open them and copy a code, which is then manually entered. With the password manager YubiKey combination, the first (your password) and second (your key) factors are verified within seconds.

Devices like the YubiKey simplify the whole process at a small cost. By supporting them, password managers can encourage more users to enable and use multi-factor authentication.

Harder To Hack

During common phishing attempts, hackers try to remotely trick people into typing both passwords and 2FA codes into a fake website. Even if you don’t recognize the spoofed URLs, the YubiKey can check their originality and refuse to send in authentication codes.

Additionally, since it requires physical contact, it is nearly impossible to carry out such attacks on your password manager YubiKey setup. The hacker would need to steal both your password and physical key to get into your account.

The YubiKey authenticator is made with open standards in mind. Some of them are initially developed by big names like Google, meaning they can work out-of-the-box across major platforms and services.

It is also the most popular security key brand in the industry. You can enjoy first-class compatibility when a service decides to support those authentication technologies.

Password Manager YubiKey Compatibility

A person is using a password manager YubiKey
YubiKey is supported by many popular password managers.

You can create a password manager YubiKey pair from these top names in the industry:

  • Bitwarden: Premium users of Bitwarden can use the YubiKey in two-step logins.
  • LastPass: All YubiKey models can work with all paid plans, including Premium, Families, Enterprise, and Teams. IT administrators can even manage and enforce MFA policies within their organization from LastPass’s dashboard.
  • 1Password: It is easy to register a YubiKey with your 1Password account and replace the traditional six-digit authentication codes.
  • KeePass: This open-source offline application supports both passwordless and one-time password modes. It is geared towards tech-savvy people, but the upside is that KeePass is completely free.
  • Keeper: The program has recently announced its YubiKey support on iOS devices through NFC or lighting ports.

Wrapping Up

It is easy to find a top password manager with YubiKey support. This integration makes it even harder to compromise your sensitive data.

It requires you to pay an extra cost for a physical device. But the convenience and improved security this password manager YubiKey setup brings can make the whole investment worth it.

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