HomeBlogPassword Manager LastPass: Is It Still A Leading Option?

Password Manager LastPass: Is It Still A Leading Option?

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April 4 2022
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LastPass is a name always worth considering when it comes to password management. This established player has been the benchmark for newer products for a long time.

But is the password manager LastPass still a great choice like it used to be? Or other services have managed to close the gap? Let’s find out.

About LastPass

LastPass is a veteran of the password management business. Founded in 2008, the software made its entry when customers didn’t have many options around.

GoTo, formerly known as LogMeIn, acquired LastPass in 2015. In 2021, GoTo restructured LastPass as a standalone business that focused on cloud security.

Since then, LastPass has become one of the most popular password managers. According to the company, more than 30 million people and 85,000 companies are using its services. Recently, it has won the Top Security Product on G’s 2022 Awards.

The product has involved beyond just secure storage for passwords. LastPass can also act as a safe vault for digital notes, Wi-Fi passwords, and credit card information.

Password manager Lastpass
LastPass’s web interface

Outstanding Features Of LastPass

High Usability 

While it’s not a novel idea, password management still presents a steep learning curve to many people.

If a password manager wants a wide adoption, it needs to be as beginner friendly as possible. And LastPass has managed to do just that.

The service requires users to create a master password when signing up. Password manager LastPass will then do all the work and securely manage their credentials.

From browser extensions to mobile apps and web interfaces, every functionality runs smoothly. Non-tech savvy people who want to improve their online security should not worry about this.

A Solid All-Around Solution For Business

LastPass has a strong track record in providing services for professional settings. It includes Teams, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Among enterprise solutions, LastPass creates the most comprehensive report on employee interaction.

IT departments can easily see whether employees are following recommended password policies. The administrative dashboard also shows other valuable information, such as user activity and enrollment rate.

Built-In Secure Storage

You can save your credit card information in LastPass.

LastPass isn’t just a vault for your passwords. The service also allows paid users to store a variety of sensitive files (for up to 1GB). This storage is 10GB in the Family plan.

This built-in feature brings peace of mind when you have no other solution. Trusting your password manager to store other sensitive data is naturally the best choice.

You can upload, save, and organize your personal information in the Notes section. This includes your tax returns, a backup of your driver license, or your credit cards. These documents can be attached directly to your items in the vault as well.

Emergency Access

Available in paid plans, this feature allows another contact to access your credentials in an emergency.

You will need to provide an email address and a waiting period. It can come in handy when you can’t log in to your account.

When necessary, the recipient can make a request. If the waiting period passes with no refusal from you, the request will be granted.

Password Sharing

Sharing passwords to a family member or friend is a common demand. Password manager LastPass allows you to do this safely with its built-in feature.

This functionality is available in the free plan as well. Compared to many competitors, password sharing in LastPass is much less restrictive.

To be more specific, if you’re in a Family plan, the number of passwords you can share is unlimited. Most notably, the recipient doesn’t even need to be an existing LastPass user.

It’s as easy as sending an email. Just select an item and choose the sharing icon. LastPass will tell the recipient how to access the item via notification.

Limitations Of The Password Manager LastPass

Proprietary Software

LastPass is closed-source software, meaning it’s unavailable for public inspection.

Additionally, the company doesn’t have the tradition of carrying out regular security audits. The reports of those audits aren’t available without a non-disclosure agreement.

Customers have to trust it completely when using LastPass. It’s also out of the question when a business wants to have complete control over its data.

Data Breaches

LastPass has suffered from many breaches

LastPass has infamously been the target of several security vulnerabilities.

The company claims it’s a natural result of its service’s popularity. But this long list of bugs may jeopardize the trust of security-conscious customers.

Limited Syncing

In March 2021, LastPass announced that it would stop allowing cross-platform syncing.

It means users in the free plan can only access their data in only one of the two device types: mobiles or computers.

This is a severe limitation. It’s not even possible to sync your passwords between only a smartphone and a laptop, for instance.

LastPass Vs. Locker

Both Locker and LastPass are feature-rich solutions. They use proven encryption like 256-bit AES to protect your items and make them inaccessible to other people. Their built-in password generators are easy to use, making creating a new password no longer a hassle for new users.

There is no clear winner between the paid plans of these password managers. They share many similar functions, such as password sharing,  dark web monitoring, and emergency access.

The free tier is where the competition really heats up. While LastPass allows for an unlimited number of passwords at no cost, you will have to live with a lot of other restrictions.

You can access Locker from anywhere, even when offline.

For starters, LastPass made the headlines in 2021 when it stopped users from using its free version on more than one device type. This move by LastPass really undermined its cross-platform usage and made a stark contrast with Locker. You can install the latter on multiple device types without paying a dime.

Another feature you won’t find on free LastPass installations is advanced multi-factor authentication (MFA) options. You will need to pay a subscription if you want to use your fingerprints to unlock your LastPass vault. On the other hand, Locker allows biometric authentication across all plans.

As a leading solution, LastPass isn’t a bad choice by any means. But ordinary users may find Locker a more solid solution as far as core password management is concerned.

Final Words

The restriction on the number of devices in the free plan can turn away a lot of free customers. But other than that, the password manager LastPass is an excellent product for both personal and professional uses.

The free version is already packed with a lot of easy-to-use features. And LastPass’s premium plans are always worth upgrading for extra convenience and security.

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