HomeBlogTop 20 Worst Passwords in 2022 – Is Yours on the List?

Top 20 Worst Passwords in 2022 – Is Yours on the List?

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CyStack Editor

March 4 2022
Reading Time: 2 minutes

According to Nordpass, an average person owns more than 100 online accounts that need passwords. Therefore, choosing easy passwords may be understandable. Nonetheless, it is not secure AT ALL.

80% of data breaches stem from a weak password. And in the context that the current Russian – Ukrainian war could lead to more cyberattacks worldwide, it is urgent to protect your online identity by using a strong password.

Check out the following list of the top 20 most commonly leaked passwords by Lookout via a recent CNBC article.

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. Qwerty
  4. Password
  5. 12345
  6. 12345678
  7. 111111
  8. 1234567
  9. 123123
  10. Qwerty123
  11. 1q2w3e
  12. 1234567890
  14. 0
  15. Abc123
  16. 654321
  17. 123321
  18. Qwertyuiop
  19. Iloveyou
  20. 666666

Found your password on the list? It would be wise of you to change it as soon as possible, at least before the bad actors notice. Of course, make sure you are using a strong random password this time.

Tips for creating a strong password:

  • Avoid using one passwords for multiple accounts

Reusing passwords poses serious risks as hackers can take over all your accounts when one site has security issues. Therefore, make sure you use a unique password for each account you create.

  • Do not include your names or birthdays in your passwords

Personal identifiable information such as your name, birthday, hometown, etc. should not be included in your passwords. This information is easily found online and exploited by hackers.

  • Avoid using common phrases

Common phrases and combinations such as iloveyou, 123456, etc. can be hacked within seconds. See Top 100 most common passwords to avoid these weak combinations.

  • Make sure your passwords are at least 12 characters

Your passwords should be at least 12 characters long to best safeguard your account. In fact, strong passwords generally have 12 – 20 characters.

  • Save your passwords in an encrypted format

Locker allows you to save login credentials in encrypted format. You can view your passwords directly on browsers, laptops, and smartphones, even if you are offline.

  • Enable two-factor authentication when logging in

Two-factor authentication adds a layer of security to your account. Even if your passwords are leaked, hackers will not be able to access your account.

  • Do not share passwords via email or text message

Using email or text messaging is not the best way to share passwords with your trusted family and friends. Instead, you should use a secure password manager as Locker to share hidden passwords quickly and securely.

If you have too much hassle over creating passwords, Locker password generator is always here to help.

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