HomeBlogPave The Way To Passwordless With Locker

Pave The Way To Passwordless With Locker

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Ngoc Vo

May 21 2022

Marketing Executive @CyStack

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Pave the way to passwordless with Locker

The vision of signing in without a password may baffle you. How is it even possible? And why do people encourage us to make passwords more complicated and then abandon them entirely?

Passwordless log-in doesn’t just make sense. Many experts in the industry have considered it the future of authentication.

This should be good news for everyone because, after all, who loves passwords? But before celebrating, inform yourself of how a passwordless future works and what a password manager like Locker can help you with that.

What’s Wrong With Passwords?

Passwords have been with us for so long that most people assume that they are the best, and even only, authentication method. It is true that they have enabled developers and providers to reach billions of users. But passwords have their own pitfalls too.

First and foremost, you have to remember them! It doesn’t seem to be that big of an issue when you have only registered one or two accounts. But nowadays, the more realistics chance is dozens and dozens of them.

This places a huge burden on the shoulders of each user. They face a dilemma of choosing the strength of their passwords. It’d be easier to remember similar and simple passwords. But this also means they would be more prone to hacking attempts.

A peson is typing a password into their computer.
Passwords have many inherent issues

Many surveys have shown that many people opt for weak and repeated passwords. They know the risk but aren’t either aware of or willing to find tools to protect their Internet accounts.

Even when you have a perfect memory, websites and apps still present a password box for you to enter. And there are multi-factor authentication factors if you take security seriously.

Let’s say you don’t mind entering a combination of passwords and other codes at every login. Are your accounts safe?

Not really. Bad actors can use sophisticated fake websites to trick you into giving them every authentication factor. This can happen to the best of us, including technical-minded people.

A Future Without Passwords

Passwordless authentication takes a whole new approach. It removes passwords and their weaknesses from the equation altogether.

Developers rely on other factors instead. They may ask for items only you own (like a hardware token) or your biological features (such as fingerprints).

Many factors can be used together. But after all, these methods don’t require you to memorize any password or knowledge-based secret.

Passwordless authentication isn’t just some fancy idea on paper. Leading players in the technology industry have tried to push its adoption for years.

The FIDO Alliance is an industry association backed by tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Apple. Recently, they announced the commitment to make passwordless sign-in available on all major platforms.

Windows 10 has had a passwordless option since 2019, and this came to every Microsoft account in 2021. In the near future, expect the same choice in Gmail and iCloud as well.

This ambitious promise is likely to push passwordless authentication to the mainstream. More and more websites and apps should follow suit.

A security setting panel with several log-in options.
Microsoft is among the first to support passwordless

Approaching The Passwordless Future With Locker

It will be a long journey before we don’t have to bother with passwords anymore. But you can begin to adopt passwordless authentication (where it is supported) with the help of Locker from today.

Most of them aren’t passwordless per se. But they can help you gradually get used to digital life without passwords ahead.

One-Time Passwords

Locker comes with an authenticator compatible with Time-based One-time Passwords (TOTP). This algorithm has been standardized and widely used.

Google, Facebook, and the like have supported it for a long time to secure your accounts. Microsoft goes further and offers it as one of the log-in options for their passwordless accounts.

You can enable TOTP and receive a unique secret key from those services. It is available in the form of a string or a QR code, which you can scan or copy to Locker.

The algorithm used both by Locker and the service’s server will then combine this key and the current time to generate an access code every 30 seconds.

This 6-number code can serve as the second authentication factor because only you have it. Without the secret key, no one else can guess it. The short expiration time also improves security and prevents phishing attempts.

When added, you can find this code in Locker at any point, especially when the website requires it during the login. There is no need to wait for a code to come to your inbox.


You can have a taste of passwordless on Locker from today with biometric authentication. Factors like fingerprints and face recognition are supported on Android and iOS devices.

A tablet is showing a dialog.
You can unlock your vault with your fingerprints

They already work flawlessly as an alternative to your master password. You should enter passwords less often, if at all.

Generate And Save Strong Passwords

As the user, you don’t even need to know what your passwords look like. The built-in generator of Locker can take care of everything for you. When adding a new item, it can create a unique, complex password and put it into the vault alongside your username.


Locker can automatically fill in your log-in details, including both usernames and passwords. It closes the gap between traditional and true passwordless authentication. Online shopping should be easier, too, as Locker’s auto-fill feature also works with credit card information.

Take Action And Prepare Yourself

A lot of questions still need to be answered. One thing is for sure: we will see widespread adoption of passwordless sign-on soon.

This trend won’t just affect your personal but also professional life. Your IT team may require it any time soon. Getting started with Locker will not only secure your accounts but also make any transition to passwordless systems smoother.

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